After School Clubs Spring 1
KS1 Club Provision – Spring 1
As from Monday 6th January we will be starting our after school club provision for Spring 1. Places will be limited and must be booked and paid via Parentpay in order to secure a place. This will be on a first come first served basis.
Please note: if you book a place for your child you are committing to the number of weeks the club will be running for. Refunds will not be given (unless in exceptional circumstances). There will be a waiting list available if the club is full.
All clubs will finish at 4.15pm and parents are asked to collect their child/ren from the gate by the Office at 4.25pm.
The clubs available this term for Reception & Years 1 & 2 (KS1) are as follows;
Day | Club name |
Monday | Art & Craft Rec & Yr. 1 | |
Tuesday | Football | Yr's 1-2 |
Wednesday | ICT | Yrs. 1 & 2 |
Science | Yrs. 1 & 2 | |
Thursday | N/A | |
Friday | N/A |
KS2 Club Provision – Spring 1
As from Monday 6th January we will be starting our after school club provision for Spring 1. Places will be limited and must be booked and paid via Parentpay in order to secure a place. This will be on a first come first served basis.
Please note: if you book a place for your child you are committing to the number of weeks the club will be running for. Refunds will not be given (unless in exceptional circumstances).
There will be a waiting list avaiable if your chosen club is full.
All clubs will finish at 4.15pm and parents are asked to collect their child/ren from the gate by the Office at 4.25pm. Children in years 5 & 6 only may walk home if parents have given written permission.
The clubs available this term for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 (KS2) are as follows;
Day Club name
| Tag Rugby Yrs. 4-6 Girls Squash Yrs. 3-6 |
Tuesday |
Football Yrs.3-4 Netball Yrs. 5-6 |
Wednesday |
Choir Yrs.3-6 (invitation only) |
Thursday |
Football Yrs. 5-6 Girls Rugby Yrs. 4-6 Science Yrs. 3-6 Crochet Yrs. 3-6 |
Friday | Cricket Yrs. 5-6 |
If you have any questions please contact the school office using the email or by phoning 012063