Parent Council 29th February 2024
Parent drop-in session Thursday 29th February
- Actions following previous meeting Oct 2023
- What is going well this term?
- What could be improved?
- School Development Priorities 2023-2024
Actions following previous meeting Oct 2023
- Clubs for spring 2 include greater provision for lower KS2
- Wraparound has now been reinstated - demand currently is for Monday and Tuesday but this is an ongoing brief and will be expanded if demand is there.
- Clubs - survey will be going out during summer 1 to inform plans for after school provision next academic year.
- We will be planning coffee mornings for parents from each year group next year.
What is going well this term?
- Communication - Yr 1 parent - class emails are very useful, informative and everything feels very organised. Even down to thumbs up at the end of the day. Reception parent also echoed this sentiment.
- Phonics is taught well, really pleased with the progress my child has made.
- Phonics session for parents was very useful, particularly being able to see how the children are taught.
- Year 4 class assembly showcased the amount of work the children had completed, on top of all the other lovely things they are doing i.e. swimming, ukulele lessons, Anglo Saxon dress up day etc.
- Offer of kayaking sessions as an enhancement to PE sessions for Years 4 and 5 has been well received by parents.
- Year 2 Great Fire of London morning with parents was a great way of bringing learning alive.
- Year 3 Stone Age day was fantastic.
- There was a general discussion around how well the dress up days, theme events and activities really inspire the children with their learning and make it memorable.
- The way we make use of the natural resources is great - Year 3 learning about volcanoes on the beach was brilliant.
- The number of emails sent out has reduced. Those present were happy with the emails being sent and found them helpful as prompts/reminders.
What could be improved?
- Road safety - concerns were shared regarding dangers outside of school during drop off and pick up times. Those present collectively mentioned a car regularly stopping on the zig zag lines and talked about those who are in a rush and drive in and out of the St Helena car park quickly. We talked about other schools who have cones out with clear messages, banners and cut outs. The school is continuing to raise concerns to Highways, police, parents, WMTC and our local MP.
- Netball and rugby after school clubs clash - could these be timetabled for different days?
- SEND communication - one parent felt that there was less communication than there had been previously re SEND. Discussion followed regarding the transition of the new Inclusion Manager and the class teacher being the first port of call.
- Ensure pupils know they are invited to wear special uniforms for Remembrance Day next year on the Friday prior to Remembrance Sunday.
School Development Priorities 2023-2024
Mrs Wright shared the priorities from the School Development Plan:
Embedding our approach with all Foundation subjects
Improving Attendance
Building resilience of pupils, particularly Year 4 and 5 cohorts
Increasing awareness of diversity
Other discussions focused on:
- The possibility of not allowing any pupils to bring mobile phones to school - admin time and congestion implications within the school office during busy times. The need to build life skills and the risks associated with pupils having a phone. Is there a need for children walking home to have a phone? Does it help them to keep safe or does it put them at greater risk?
- How can we engage parents to support their child/ren? Discussions included the noticeable change in attitudes since Covid, additional pressures, social media influences etc.
- Do we need to consider running a readiness for school session to outline ways in which parents can help prepare their child for school?
- Use of Tapestry and the rationale for reducing its usage as children move from Nursery through to end of Reception. Adult time is prioritised to help support learning rather than sending pictures and messages home.