Parent Council 18th May 2023
- Actions taken since last meeting – Reception welcome pack, information evening arranged for new intake, noticeboard is now up in Reception playground
- Reflections on Spring term – What is going well? What can we improve on?
- Online safety – 2 Johns parent session
- Ofsted Report – Parent feedback
- Parent views – what is important to you? What do you want to know?
- School priorities for 2023 -2024
Coronation event was well received. It would be really good to explore further opportunities to raise money and make these events a real community occasion.
We would also benefit from a good outdoor sound system.
Pitch of reading books is tailored well to each child's level with good explanations given from class teachers to explain to parents. Email communication is very good from class teachers. Careers event was good. Communication regarding events is given well in advance which is also appreciated.
Parents Evening was well organised; smooth running and lovely to see books. Kitchen offering refreshments did give parents an opportunity to see the foods on offer for the children.
A point for improvement was suggested:
Could teachers could give some feedback to parents on behaviour every few weeks? Discussion followed regarding our behaviour policy and our approach is that parents are informed if there have been any incidents of behaviour which fall below expectations.
What is important to you? - What do you think new parents want to know?
Safety, maths and English attainment - context for the bigger picture
Approach to learning
Children and parents feeling welcome and supported
Extra curricular opportunities - how children are encouraged to further their skills and interests
Balanced education
Mental Health support
Behaviour and bullying policy - how we nurture relationships
Priorities for next year
No Outsiders being introduced to develop pupils understanding of difference
Class structure was discussed. We will be moving from 16 to 15 classes as we will be saying farewell to a 3 form Year 6 class and we will be welcoming a 2 form Reception cohort.
Could we know specific dates when RSE is being taught?