Parent Council 1st December 2022
Parent Council Meeting – Thursday 1st December 2022
- Reflections on the autumn term. What has gone well? What can we improve on?
- Parents evening arrangements/communication with the school - feedback.
- Financial climate - Is there anything more we can do to help?
- HT to share School Development Plan.
- School priorities & School Development Plan, reflections on our progress.
Reflections on the autumn term
What is going well?
'Both my children are in Key Stage 2, everything is great, I have no complaints.'
'My son is in Reception, he runs in happy and comes home happy.'
'My son has settled really well in Reception.'
'We are new here, all I can say is that it has been fantastic, from the hour we were given to be shown around to the children having a fantastic couple of weeks. They cannot wait to come to school.'
What can we improve on?
Check that all parents are clear about the expectations regarding reading for Reception and how the children get Ship Tokens. Discussion followed to discuss whether this information was shared with parents but had been forgotten. Regardless, it was noted that in future we could ensure that these expectations were clearly communicated and reiterated so that all parents do know exactly what they need to do.
It was also noted that when children transition from Nursery in to Reception there is a decrease in the use of Tapestry as a method of sharing their child's work with parents. We talked about the change in emphasis and it was agreed that this could be explained to parents so they understand why this is the case.
There was a suggestion for us to have a notice board where the Reception parents entrance is.
Parents evening arrangements/communication with the school
Parents spoke positively about the online booking system and generally about parents evening. Parents were really pleased to be able to see their children's work.
The streamlining of meetings for pupils with additional needs was appreciated.
One parent said that it would have been nice to have more time with the teacher but understood the limitations, given the number of parents teachers have to see.
Financial Climate
There was a long discussion regarding the pressures faced by parents, given the current financial climate. We talked about the cost of shopping and one parent shared her tips for keeping the weekly shopping budget down. One suggestion was to have a 'Community Companions' session to share top tips for saving money.
The FOMISA second-hand uniform shop is appreciated and a question was asked regarding when it is open. Parents can email the FOMISA team if they need anything or alternatively the shop is generally open at the start and end of each term and also at school events.
School Development Plan
Mrs Wright shared the priorities on the School Development Plan which include a focus on maths, particularly in Key Stage Two and also on improving attendance. Term time holidays were brought up as an ongoing concern and it was acknowledged by parents in the room how expensive it is for families to take their children on holiday out of term time. The investment in resources to increase physical activity and wellbeing was also shared.
Pick ups - A question was raised as to whether we should reinstate the one-way system to ease how busy things are at the end of the day? Discussion followed about the reasons behind parents being able to come on to the playground at the end of the day and the importance of them not feeling isolated and having the opportunity to see other parents and teachers. Suggestions for improvement were welcomed.
RSE curriculum - One parent asked if it was possible to see the content of what the children would be learning. It was explained that parents are sent this in advance of any teaching sessions and were also shown where to find this information on the website.
Mrs Wright thanked parents for attending.