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Mersea Island School

Parent Council 16th October 2024

Parent Council Meeting - 16th October 2024



  • How has the return to school been? 
  • What is working well? 
  • What could be improved? Anything we should be considering? 


Those present shared the following feedback regarding how the transition to the new academic year has been and how they have found things:

  • How nice it is to see the pupils so pleased to be back at school.
  • Children love it here. 

Feedback on what is working well included:

  • Reading is very good, my child is suddenly flying through books!
  • Staffing levels really help the children. 
  • Smaller class sizes.
  • Routines help the children know what is going on.
  • General kindness from the staff gives confidence to parents.
  • Even staff who don't teach our children recognise them which is really nice.
  • It has felt a very smooth transition from Reception to Year 1 to Year 2. 
  • Upward trajectory with all the music.
  • Mrs Elson suggested getting an eye test for my child, I went and now we have glasses.  It was great this was picked up so early. 


Suggestions on what could be improved/things to consider included:

  • Could the settings be changed on Times Tables Rock Stars for Year 2? The competitive element may be a year too early?
  • Provide options for times tables practise.
  • Could there be a club for logic games e.g. Chess? 


Those present were thanked for their contributions and encouraged to tell other parents to attend the next drop in session. 

